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Discover every incredible aspect of Eastern Canada on this immersive 12-day exploration. Spend time in Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec City, witness powerful nature and gaze at the majesty of Niagara Falls, all with an expert guide.
Discover essential Eastern Canada on this incredible immersive tour. Spend time getting to know the major cities and their English and French heritage, feel the power of Niagara Falls up close and lose yourself in the deep green wilderness that links these phenomenal cities.
You start your trip in Toronto, discovering the cosmopolitan city with a guided tour. You then head up Lake Ontario and after some time cruising the lake you will spend a couple of nights in the creative hub of Montreal, where music, art and food burst from every building. From the second-largest french-speaking city in the world to the capital of French-Canada, charming Quebec City. With an old-world feel, it is a pleasure to walk the UNESCO World Heritage streets of Quebec City.
You are then whisked down to Ottawa to explore the galleries and museums along the canal-lined streets, before you head out to Algonquin Provincial Park to walk some of the most glorious natural trails in Canada. The tranquillity of the park will be replaced the next day by the thunderous roar of Niagara Falls as you spend time getting up close and personal with this gushing torrent of water and exploring the delightful region surrounding it.
Eastern Canada has so much beauty, so jump on board and let’s get exploring together.
We have selected a blend of 3 and 4-star hotels throughout the trip
All included in this deal away
Guided tours of Montreal, Toronto, Quebec City and Ottawa city are included
Including the Hornblower journey to the falls, experience the power of the falls as your boat ventures into the mists. Plus a guided walk and trip up the Skylon Tower
Discover this unique island location on a relaxing cruise
A guided walk through this stunning natural wonderland
Discover how early settlers in Canada lived in this amazing reconstructed village
These guys will be with you throughout to ensure no question goes unanswered
You will be taken from location to location onboard this well-appointed luxury coach
You will only see your bags when they arrive in your hotel room, porterage is handled throughout the trip (one piece per person)